Saturday, October 11, 2008

Joys of Cutting

Have you ever noticed how much kids love to cut with scissors! Oh my gosh I have really noticed this recently. My, now 3 year old, loves to sit and cut for hours if I would let him.

So I was thinking how can we make cutting into fun and learning.

I found a book called Preschool Skills this book is great way to work on cutting. There are several pages on cutting. For instance the most recent page we completed at co-op was of a car. The car is at the top of the page and we have the road going back and forth on the page. The idea is to cut on the road. Thus you are working on cutting in straight lines and going up and down, back and forth.

How easy it is to make up pages very similar to this one. Just take a sheet of paper and draw a few lines on it in various ways. Have your child cut the lines you have created.

Cutting it is a good thing!

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